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  • ") .data("item.autocomplete", item) .css({ "margin": "1px 0", "height": "70px", "padding": "5px" }) .append("
    " + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "
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    " + item.newPrice + "
    " + "
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} else if (catP == "" && search != "") { params = "s=" + search; } history.pushState(null, "Product ", "?" + params); } //get Parameter Value function getParam(sname) { var params = location.search.substr(location.search.indexOf("?") + 1); var sval = ""; params = params.split("&"); // split param and value into individual pieces for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { temp = params[i].split("="); if ([temp[0]] == sname) { sval = temp[1]; } } return sval; } $(document).ready(function() { loadId = getParam('product'); if (isNaN(loadId) || loadId == '') {} else { quickView(false, loadId); } $(document).on('click', '.left_image_plus_divTT', function() { //remove tt to work like other website href = $(this).attr('data-href'); $('.openProductImage1 img').attr('src', href); $('.openProductImage1').css('display', 'block'); $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden'); }); $('.openProductImage1 .close-btn').click(function() { $('.openProductImage1').css('display', 'none'); $('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); }); function loadProduct(ths, productId) { //first use in happi... cat = getParam('cat'); url = 'https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/products_detail_ajax.php?cat=' + cat; $(".product_detailJs").stop().slideUp(20); var thes = $("#detail_" + productId).closest('.pro_box_single'); $("#detail_" + productId).stop().slideDown("slow"); link(productId); if ($("#detail_" + productId).hasClass('loaded')) { scrollProduct(productId); } else { $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: { id: productId } }).done(function(response) { $("#detail_" + productId).html(response); var left = thes.offset().left; var res = 141.5 - left; var wid = document.body.offsetWidth; $("#detail_" + productId).find(".dive_short_details").css('left', -left); $("#detail_" + productId).find(".dive_short_details").css('width', wid); $("#detail_" + productId).addClass('loaded'); scrollProduct(productId); }); } } function scrollProduct(productId) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#p' + productId).offset().top - 150 }, 1500); } $(document).on('click', ".show_details", function() { productId = $(this).attr('data-id'); loadProduct(this, productId); }); $(document).on('click', '.close_details_div', function() { $(".product_detailJs").hide("slow"); blankLink(); }); //use this process for click on next to show next product quick view.. $(document).on('click', '.details_right_btn', function() { serialId = parseInt($(this).closest('.product_detailJs').attr('data-serial')); serialId = eval(serialId + 1); productId = $('.product_serial_' + serialId).attr('data-id'); if (isNaN(productId)) { serialId = 1; productId = $('.product_serial_' + serialId).attr('data-id'); } loadProduct(this, productId); }); $(document).on('click', '.details_left_btn', function() { serialId = parseInt($(this).closest('.product_detailJs').attr('data-serial')); serialId = eval(serialId - 1); productId = $('.product_serial_' + serialId).attr('data-id'); if (isNaN(productId)) { serialId = 1; productId = $('.product_serial_' + serialId).attr('data-id'); } loadProduct(this, productId); }); $('#paymentOptionNext').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); select_change_payment(); }); $('#overlay_order_container').on('click', '#paymentOptionNext', function(event) { select_change_payment(); }); }); function select_change_payment() { if ($('.paymentOptionRadio').is(":checked")) { paymentOption = $('.paymentOptionRadio:checked').val(); //0 cash on delivery //1 paypal //2 klarna //5 pason //6 GiftCard //7 2 checkout // 10 Cembra if (paymentOption == '0' || paymentOption == '1' || paymentOption == '5' || paymentOption == '8' || paymentOption == '10') { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); inv = $('#invoiceId').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/cartContinue.php?inv=" + inv + "&paymentOption=" + paymentOption }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); $("#cartContinue").show(); $("#cartContinue").html(data); // hide payment div $('#first_option').next('.area_form3').hide('slow'); $('#first_option').find('.d_tick').show(); add_payment_method_price(); }); return true; } else if (paymentOption == '2') { inv = $('#invoiceId').val(); url = 'https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/klarna.php?ajax=1&inv=' + inv; $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); $("#cartContinue").show(); $("#cartContinue").html(data); add_payment_method_price(); }); return true; } else if (paymentOption == '9') { inv = $('#invoiceId').val(); url = 'https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/klarnaPayment.php?ajax=1&inv=' + inv; $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); $("#cartContinue").show(); $("#cartContinue").html(data); add_payment_method_price(); }); return true; } else { $("#cartContinue").html(""); add_payment_method_price(); } }; } function quickView(ths, productId) { //call productQuickViewModel() in end of footer file.. //link updating is stop due to some parametrs are remove var url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/quickView.php?pId=" + productId; $("#frameProductQuickView").html(loading_progress()).load(url); $("#productQuickView").modal('show'); } function tax2(total) { tax = eval(total * 25 / 100); $('.pGrandtax').text(tax); } function productColorPriceUpdate(pId, colorId) { // check if this color select n again click nothing happen if ($('.colorDiv_' + pId + '.colorId_' + colorId + ":checked").hasClass('colorChecked')) { } else { var color = $('.colorDiv_' + pId + '.colorId_' + colorId); inventoryLimit = $('#deatilStockCheck_' + pId).val(); //Active color size scalesIds = color.attr('data-scales'); if (inventoryLimit == '1') { //hide product size if no stock $('#p' + pId).find('.size_in_divs.sizeDiv_' + pId).addClass("no_stock"); } var product_div = $('#p' + pId); product_div.find(scalesIds).show(); product_div.find(scalesIds).removeClass("no_stock"); product_div.find('.sizeId_-1').show(); //custom size $('.sizeSelect_' + pId).prop('checked', false); $('#stock_' + pId).html(""); $('.colorDiv_' + pId).removeClass('colorChecked'); color.addClass('colorChecked'); //make AddToCart Function to reset $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr('data-scaleSelect', '0'); $('.sizeChecked').removeClass('sizeChecked'); var price = color.attr("data-price"); //if scale not allow in project then show inventory of color, colorInv = color.attr("data-colorinv"); //set old price to default, this is helpful when size has different price setOldDefaultPrice(pId); if (colorInv != '') { stockPrint(pId, colorInv); } plusPrice(price, pId); } } function out_of_stock_trigger(pId, colorId, scaleId, storeId) { var stock_trigger = $("#StockSubscription"); stock_trigger.find('.out_of_stock.color_id').val(colorId); stock_trigger.find('.out_of_stock.scale_id').val(scaleId); stock_trigger.find('.out_of_stock.store_id').val(storeId); stock_trigger.modal('show'); } function out_of_checkout_trigger(invId) { console.log("ghygjjhjgh"); var checkout_trigger = $("#CheckoutSubscription"); checkout_trigger.find('.out_of_cart.invId').val(invId); checkout_trigger.modal('show'); } function setOldDefaultPrice(pId) { currency = $('#currency_' + pId); defaultPrice = currency.attr('data-defaultprice'); $('.productOldPrice_' + pId).text(defaultPrice); } function stockPrint(pId, data) { if (!data) { // no data, just print, give default value of 1, this is for the no stock checking $('#hidden_stock_' + pId).val(1); $('#stock_' + pId).html(" "); return false; } if (!pId || !data) { return false; } data_ = $.parseJSON(data); data = data_.qty; location_ = data_.location_; if (data <= 0 || isNaN(data)) { data = 0; } $('#hidden_stock_' + pId).val(data); $('#stock_' + pId).html(" "); var hasCustomQty = $('.addByQty_hidden_' + pId).val(); var customQty = ''; if (hasCustomQty == '1') { if (data > 0) { $('.addByQty_' + pId).attr("max", data); } } } function productRealPrice(pId) { currency = $('#currency_' + pId); realPrice = parseFloat(currency.attr('data-defaultprice')); return realPrice; } function productDiscountFormat(pId) { currency = $('#currency_' + pId); discountFormat = currency.attr('data-discountformat'); if (discountFormat == "" || isNaN(discountFormat) || discountFormat == undefined) { return false; } return discountFormat; } function productDiscountPrice(pId) { currency = $('#currency_' + pId); discountP = parseFloat(currency.attr('data-discountp')); if (discountP == "" || isNaN(discountP) || discountP == undefined) { return 0; } return discountP; } function plusPrice(price, pId) { price1 = productRealPrice(pId); total = eval(price1 + parseFloat(price)); currency = $('#currency_' + pId); discountFormat = currency.attr('data-discountformat'); discountP = parseFloat(currency.attr('data-discountp')); discount = discountCalculation(total, discountP, discountFormat); $('.productOldPrice_' + pId).text(total); $('.productPrice_' + pId).text(discount); } function minusPrice(price, pId) { price1 = productRealPrice(pId); price1 = eval(price1 - parseFloat(price)); $('.productPrice_' + pId).text(price1); } function plusOldPrice(price, pId) { price1 = productDiscountPrice(pId); price1 = eval(price1 + parseFloat(price)); $('.productPrice_' + pId).text(price1); } function minusOldPrice(price, pId) { price1 = productDiscountPrice(pId); price1 = eval(price1 - parseFloat(price)); $('.productPrice_' + pId).text(price1); } function productPriceUpdate(pId, dealPro = false) { console.log(pId); setTimeout(function() { updatePrice(pId) if (dealPro) {} }, 400); } function productPriceUpdateNew(pId, cId) { //use for scale price update setTimeout(function() { updatePriceNew(pId, cId) }, 400); } function updatePriceNew(pId, cartId) { console.log("updatePriceNew"); storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $('#hasScale_' + pId).val(); size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId + ":checked"); scaleId = size.attr('data-id'); if (hasScale == '0') { scaleId = '0'; } hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0') { colorId = '0'; } console.log('cartId : ' + cartId); console.log('pId : ' + pId); console.log('storeId : ' + storeId); console.log('scaleId : ' + scaleId); console.log('colorId : ' + colorId); url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=sizeCartUpdate"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { cartId: cartId, pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId } }).done(function(data) { cart_load_from_side(true); }); } function updatePrice(pId) { console.log("updatePrice"); hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $('#hasScale_' + pId).val(); if ($('.sizeSelect_' + pId).is(":checked")) { size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId + ":checked"); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); currency = $('#currency_' + pId); sizeId = size.attr('data-id'); //check if size already select if ($('.sizeId2_' + sizeId + ":checked").hasClass('sizeChecked')) { } else { $('.sizeSelect_' + pId).removeClass('sizeChecked'); $('.sizeId2_' + sizeId).addClass('sizeChecked'); sizeId = size.attr('data-id'); colorId = color.attr('data-id'); colorPrice = parseFloat(color.attr('data-price')); if (hasColor == '0') { colorPrice = 0; colorId = 0; } sizePrice = parseFloat(size.attr('data-price')); if (hasScale == '0') { sizePrice = 0; sizeId = 0; } clearancePrice = parseFloat(size.attr('data-clearance-price')); realPrice = parseFloat(currency.attr('data-defaultprice')); discountFormat = currency.attr('data-discountformat'); if(clearancePrice > 0){ discountP = clearancePrice; }else{ discountP = parseFloat(size.attr('data-discountp')); } total = eval(realPrice + colorPrice + sizePrice); discount = discountCalculation(total, discountP, discountFormat); discountPercentage = discountPercentageCalculation(total, discountP, discountFormat) console.log(total, discount, discountPercentage) if (discountPercentage !== undefined && discountPercentage != NaN) { $(`.productPrice_${pId}_dscntPrice`).text(`${discountPercentage} %`); } if (total !== undefined && total != NaN) { $(`.productPrice_${pId}_actPrice`).text(`${total}`); } if (discount !== undefined && discount != NaN) { if(clearancePrice > 0){ $(`.productPrice_${pId}_disPrice`).text(`${clearancePrice}`); } else { $(`.productPrice_${pId}_disPrice`).text(`${discountP}`); } } $('.productOldPrice_' + pId).text(total); $('.productPrice_' + pId).text(discount); productStockCheck(pId, sizeId, colorId); console.warn(1); } } } function applyCoupon() { coupon = $('#couponCode').val(); if (coupon != '') { location.replace('cart?coupon=' + coupon); } } function applyGiftCard() { giftCard = $('#applyGiftCard').val(); if (giftCard != '') { location.replace('cart?giftCard=' + giftCard); } } function applyGiftCardd() { giftCard = $('#applyGiftCard').val(); if (giftCard != '') { location.replace('cart?giftCard=' + giftCard); } } $(document).ready(function() { $('#couponCode').keypress(function(e) { var charCode = e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which; if (charCode == 13) { applyCoupon(); return false; } }); $('#giftCartId_input').keypress(function(e) { var charCode = e.charCode || e.keyCode || e.which; if (charCode == 13) { applyGiftCard(); return false; } }); }); function discountPercentageCalculation(total, discountP, discountFormat) { var discount = ''; if (discountFormat == 'percent') { discount = discountP; return discount; } discount = eval(discountP / total) * 100; discount = Math.ceil(discount); return discount; } function discountCalculation(total, discountP, discountFormat) { var discount = ''; if (discountFormat != '') { if (discountFormat == 'price') { discount = eval(total - discountP); } else if (discountFormat == 'percent') { discount = eval(total * discountP) / 100; discount = eval(total - discount); } } else { discount = total; } discount = Math.ceil(discount); console.log(total, discountP, discountFormat) return discount; } function discountCalculationCart(total, discountP, discountFormat, qty) { var discount = ''; if (discountFormat != '') { if (discountFormat == 'price') { pricT = parseFloat(eval(discountP * qty)); discount = pricT; } else if (discountFormat == 'percent') { discount = eval(total * discountP) / 100; discount = Math.round(discount * 100) / 100; } } else { discount = 0; } discount = eval(discount / qty); discount = Math.floor(discount); discount = eval(discount * qty); return discount; } function customFormAddProductFields(pId) { hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0') { colorId = '0'; } storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); currency = $('#currency_' + pId); $('.customColor_' + pId).val(colorId); $('.customStore_' + pId).val(storeId); } function customFormSubmit(ths, pId) { if ($("#custom_check").is(":checked")) { console.log("THE CHECK BOX IS CHECKED"); $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCartCustom", data: $('#customForm_' + pId).serialize() }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1' || data == '') { updateCartNoOnWeb(); cartSmallProduct(); afterAddToCart_show_goToCart_option(); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } else { $('.checkbox').parents('div.form-group').css({ 'background-color': 'rgb(211, 74, 70)', 'border': '1px solid' }); }; return false; } productStockCheck = function(pId, scaleId, colorId) { if (scaleId == '-1') { $('.AddToCart_' + pId).hide(100); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).removeAttr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr("data-scaleSelect", "1"); stockPrint(pId, ''); customFormAddProductFields(pId); console.warn(2); return true; } $('.AddToCart_' + pId).show(500); inventoryLimit = $('#deatilStockCheck_' + pId).val(); if (inventoryLimit == '0') { $('.AddToCart_' + pId).removeAttr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr("data-scaleSelect", "1"); stockPrint(pId, ""); console.warn(3); return true; } storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); $('#stock_' + pId).html(loading_progress()); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "myAdmin/stock/stock_ajax.php?page=countCurrentQTY", data: { pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId, loadFromWeb: '1' } }).done(function(data) { stockPrint(pId, data); if (data == 0) { $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).hide(); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr("data-scaleSelect", "0"); } else { $('.AddToCart_' + pId).removeAttr("disabled", "disabled"); $('.AddToCart_' + pId).attr("data-scaleSelect", "1"); } }); console.warn(4); } var checkOutOfferAddtoCart = false; // use this var for check is client add to cart checkout offer or not var doNotForgetOfferAddtoCart = false; // use this var for check is client add to cart checkout offer or not function addToCart(ths, pId, show_modal = false, checkout = false) { let showModal = show_modal == pId ? 'popUpNew' : ""; show_modal = ((typeof(show_modal) == 'undefined' || show_modal == false) ? false : true); hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $('#hasScale_' + pId).val(); salePrice = $('#salePrice_' + pId).val(); // For Special Sale Product on Invoice saleProductPrice = (typeof(salePrice) == 'undefined' ? '' : salePrice); console.log(saleProductPrice + 'dsss'); scaleSelect = $(ths).attr('data-scaleSelect'); if ((scaleSelect == 0 || scaleSelect == '0' || isNaN(scaleSelect)) && hasScale == '1' && hasColor == '1') { //jAlertifyAlert("Välj färg och storlek!"); } if (hasColor != 0 || hasScale != 0) { console.log('has color Or has size'); if (!$("input[name='sizeSelect_" + pId + "']:checked").val() || !$("input[name='sizeSelect_" + pId + "']:checked").val()) { console.log('dropdown not selected : ' + pId); jAlertifyAlert("Välj Storlek eller/och Färg för att gå vidare

    "); return false; } } var hasCustomQty = $('.addByQty_hidden_' + pId).val(); var customQty = ''; if (hasCustomQty == '1') { customQty = $('.addByQty_' + pId).val(); var qtyMax = parseFloat($('.addByQty_' + pId).attr("max")); if (customQty > qtyMax) { jAlertifyAlert("Product exced Stock qty, max value is : " + qtyMax + "

    "); return false; } if (customQty >= '1' || customQty >= 1) { //ok } else { jAlertifyAlert("Ange antal

    "); $('.addByQty_' + pId).focus(); return false; } } size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId + ":checked"); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); currency = $('#currency_' + pId); scaleId = size.attr('data-id'); scaleName = size.val(); if (hasScale == '0') { scaleId = '0'; } colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0') { colorId = '0'; } storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); console.log('scaleID : ' + scaleId); console.log('colorId : ' + colorId); hasFreePro_ = $('#hasFreePro_' + pId).val(); if (0 == '1' || hasFreePro_ == '1') { //Out of stock qty trigger qty = $('#hidden_stock_' + pId).val(); stock_ch = '1'; } else { //Out of stock qty trigger qty = $('#hidden_stock_' + pId).val(); stock_ch = ''; } if (qty <= 0 && stock_ch == '1') { out_of_stock_trigger(pId, colorId, scaleId, storeId); return false; } // Hide Do Not Offer Popup // var donot = $('#donotoffer_'+pId).val(); // if(donot > 0){ // $('.pop_side').css({ display: 'none' }); // } productPriceUpdate(); url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCart"; if ($("#checkout_" + pId).val() == pId) { checkOutOfferAddtoCart = true; url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCart&checkout"; } if ($("#donotoffer_" + pId).val() == pId) { doNotForgetOfferAddtoCart = true; url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCart&donotForget"; } var cart_load_from_side_enabled = 1; if (cart_load_from_side_enabled != 1) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); } else { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $('.overlay').show(); $('#overlay_container').show(); /* show the overlay */ if (showModal != 'popUpNew') { $("#cart_side").animate({ "top": "50%" }, "fast", function() { /* stuff to do after animation is complete */ }); } } data1 = { pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId, customQty: customQty, salePrice: saleProductPrice, scaleName: scaleName }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId, customQty: customQty, salePrice: saleProductPrice, scaleName: scaleName } }).done(function(data) { var parsed_data = JSON.parse(data); var popup = $('.pop_slide_main').length; if (popup == 0) { $('.pop_side').hide(); } if (parsed_data.status == '1' || parsed_data.status == '') { if (showModal == 'popUpNew') { $(".newcart_popup").addClass('newcart_popup_'); if (parsed_data.forgetPopup != undefined || parsed_data.forgetPopup == '') { $(".newcart_popup .inner_popup2").html(parsed_data.forgetPopup); $('.popup_btn2').click(function() { $(".newcart_popup").removeClass('newcart_popup_'); cart_load_from_side(); }); } cart_load_from_side2(); } else { $(".newcart_popup").removeClass('newcart_popup_'); if (cart_load_from_side_enabled == 1 && !checkout) { if (parsed_data.donotForget != '' && !checkout) { } cart_load_from_side(); if (show_modal) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (checkout) { cart_load_from_side_submit() } else {} }; } else { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (checkout) { cart_load_from_side_submit() } else { cart_load_from_side_submit() } } updateCartNoOnWeb(); cartSmallProduct(); } } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function donot_addToCart(ths, pId, show_modal) { show_modal = (typeof(show_modal) == 'undefined' ? false : true); hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $('#hasScale_' + pId).val(); salePrice = $('#salePrice_' + pId).val(); // For Special Sale Product on Invoice saleProductPrice = (typeof(salePrice) == 'undefined' ? '' : salePrice); scaleSelect = $(ths).attr('data-scaleSelect'); if ((scaleSelect == 0 || scaleSelect == '0' || isNaN(scaleSelect)) && hasScale == '1' && hasColor == '1') { //jAlertifyAlert("Välj färg och storlek!"); } if (hasColor != 0 || hasScale != 0) { console.log('has color Or has size'); if (!$("input[name='sizeSelect_" + pId + "']:checked").val() || !$("input[name='sizeSelect_" + pId + "']:checked").val()) { console.log('dropdown not selected : ' + pId); jAlertifyAlert("Välj Storlek eller/och Färg för att gå vidare

    "); return false; } } var hasCustomQty = $('.addByQty_hidden_' + pId).val(); var customQty = ''; if (hasCustomQty == '1') { customQty = $('.addByQty_' + pId).val(); var qtyMax = parseFloat($('.addByQty_' + pId).attr("max")); if (customQty > qtyMax) { jAlertifyAlert("Product exced Stock qty, max value is : " + qtyMax + "

    "); return false; } if (customQty >= '1' || customQty >= 1) { //ok } else { jAlertifyAlert("Ange antal

    "); $('.addByQty_' + pId).focus(); return false; } } size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId + ":checked"); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); currency = $('#currency_' + pId); scaleId = size.attr('data-id'); if (hasScale == '0') { scaleId = '0'; } colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0') { colorId = '0'; } storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); console.log('scaleID : ' + scaleId); console.log('colorId : ' + colorId); //Out of stock qty trigger qty = $('#hidden_stock_' + pId).val(); stock_ch = '0'; if (qty <= 0 && stock_ch == '1') { out_of_stock_trigger(pId, colorId, scaleId, storeId); return false; } // Hide Do Not Offer Popup // var donot = $('#donotoffer_'+pId).val(); // if(donot > 0){ // $('.pop_side').css({ display: 'none' }); // } productPriceUpdate(); url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCart"; if ($("#checkout_" + pId).val() == pId) { checkOutOfferAddtoCart = true; url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCart&checkout"; } var cart_load_from_side_enabled = 1; if (cart_load_from_side_enabled != 1) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); } else { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $('.overlay').show(); $('#overlay_container').show(); /* show the overlay */ $("#cart_side").animate({ "top": "50%" }, "fast", function() { /* stuff to do after animation is complete */ }); } data1 = { pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId, customQty: customQty, salePrice: saleProductPrice }; console.log('RawData : ' + data1); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { pId: pId, storeID: storeId, scaleId: scaleId, colorId: colorId, customQty: customQty, salePrice: saleProductPrice } }).done(function(data) { var parsed_data = JSON.parse(data); if (parsed_data.status == '1' || parsed_data.status == '') { if (cart_load_from_side_enabled == 1) { if (parsed_data.donotForget != '') { $('#doNotForgetToBuy').html(parsed_data.donotForget); $('.pop_side').show(); donot_forget_offers_script(); } cart_load_from_side(); if (show_modal) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); afterAddToCart_show_goToCart_option(); }; } else { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); afterAddToCart_show_goToCart_option(); } updateCartNoOnWeb(); cartSmallProduct(); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function afterAddToCart_show_goToCart_option() { var goToCartOption = $('.goToCartOption').val(); if (goToCartOption == '1') { $('#goToCartOptionId').modal('show'); } } function checkOutOffer() { if (checkOutOfferAddtoCart == true) { location.replace(""); return false; } else { return true; } } function cartSmallProduct() { var val = $('.cartSmallProduct').attr('data-value'); var val2 = $('.cartPriceAjax').attr('data-value'); var urlT = 'https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=cartSmallProduct'; if (val == 'has') { urlT = urlT + "&product" } else if (val2 == 'has') { urlT = urlT + "&price" } if (val == 'has' || val2 == 'has') { $('.cartSmallProduct').html(loading_progress()); $('.cartPriceAjax').html("..."); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: urlT, data: {} }).done(function(data) { if (val == 'has') { $('.cartSmallProduct').html(data); } else if (val2 == 'has') { $('.cartPriceAjax').html(data); } }); } } function addToWishList(ths, pId) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToWishList", data: { pId: pId } }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1') { updateWishListNoOnWeb(); } }); } function WishListRemove(ths, pId) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=RemoveToWishList", data: { pId: pId } }).done(function(data) { $(ths).closest('.pBox').hide(500); $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1') { updateWishListNoOnWebMinus(); } }); } function updateWishListNoOnWeb() { no = parseFloat($("#wishListItemNo").text()); no = eval(no + 1); $("#wishListItemNo").text(no); } function updateWishListNoOnWebMinus() { no = parseFloat($("#wishListItemNo").text()); no = eval(no - 1); $("#wishListItemNo").text(no); } function updateCartNoOnWeb() { no = parseFloat($(".cartItemNo").eq(0).text()); no = eval(no + 1); $(".cartItemNo").text(no); } function updateCartNoOnWebMinus() { no = parseFloat($(".cartItemNo").eq(0).text()); no = eval(no - 1); $(".cartItemNo").text(no); } function updateCartNoOnWebRemove(qty) { no = parseFloat($(".cartItemNo").eq(0).text()); no = eval(no - qty); no = isNaN(no) ? 0 : no; $(".cartItemNo").text(no); } function sumSingleProduct(cartId, qty) { ActualPrice = $('#tr_' + cartId).attr('data-realPrice'); sum = eval(ActualPrice * qty); sum = Math.round(sum * 100) / 100; $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.sumProduct').text(sum); cartDiscount(sum, cartId, qty); } function cartDiscount(total, cartId, qty) { productId = $('#tr_' + cartId).attr('data-pid'); discountFormat = $('#discountFormat_' + productId).val(); discountP = parseFloat($('#discount_' + productId).val()); discount = discountCalculationCart(total, discountP, discountFormat, qty); $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pDiscount').text(discount); } function cart_page_reload() { location.reload(); } function addByQty(ths, cartId) { addQty = parseInt($(".addByQty_" + cartId).val()); qtyOld = $(".addByQty_" + cartId).attr("data-prev"); qtyTotal = parseFloat($('#productTotalQty_' + cartId).val()); if (addQty > qtyTotal) { jAlertifyAlert("Product exced Stock qty, max value is : " + qtyTotal + "

    "); return false; } if (addQty >= '1' || addQty >= 1) { //ok } else { jAlertifyAlert("Please Enter Correct Number.

    "); return false; } $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=addByQty", data: { cartId: cartId, addQty: addQty } }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1' || data == '') { updateCartNoOnWeb(); qty = eval(addQty); cartProductQtyUpdate(cartId, qty); sumSingleProduct(cartId, qty); cartSmallProduct(); buy_get_free(); cart_load_from_side(true); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function addPlusToCart(ths, cartId) { qty = parseFloat($('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pQty').text()); qtyTotal = parseFloat($('#productTotalQty_' + cartId).val()); if (qty == qtyTotal || qty > qtyTotal) { return false; } $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddPlusToCart", data: { cartId: cartId } }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1' || data == '') { updateCartNoOnWeb(); qty = eval(qty + 1); cartProductQtyUpdate(cartId, qty); sumSingleProduct(cartId, qty); cartSmallProduct(); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function minusFromCart(ths, cartId) { qty = parseFloat($('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pQty').text()); if (qty == 0 || qty == 1 || qty < 2) { return false; } $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=minusFromCart", data: { cartId: cartId } }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1' || data == '') { updateCartNoOnWebMinus(); qty = eval(qty - 1); cartProductQtyUpdate(cartId, qty); sumSingleProduct(cartId, qty); cartSmallProduct(); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function cartProductRemove(ths, cartId, reload, checkout = false) { qty = parseFloat($('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pQty').text()); reload = (typeof(reload) == 'undefined') ? true : reload; $('.pGrandTotal,.pTotalWeight').html('Loading...'); $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=cartProductRemove", data: { cartId: cartId } }).done(function(data) { if (data == '1' || data == '') { if (checkout) { $(ths).closest(".single_order").hide(500) // after deleting submit cart subbmission form cart_load_from_side_submit() } else { updateCartNoOnWebRemove(qty); remove_div($('#tr_' + cartId), 0); $(".tr_" + cartId).hide(500); cartSmallProduct(); setTimeout(function() { totalPrice(); totalWeight(); }, 1200); } if (reload) { cart_page_reload(); }; var cart_load_from_side_enabled = 1; if (cart_load_from_side_enabled == 1) { var scroll_to_top = false; cart_load_from_side(scroll_to_top); } $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } function totalPrice() { total = 0; $('.pTotalPrice').each(function(k, v) { price = parseFloat($(this).text()); total = eval(total + price); }); total = Math.round(total * 100) / 100; getShippingHightClass(); shippingFreePriceLimit(total); total = addShippingPrice(total); updateGiftCardPrice_onCart(total); total = removeGiftCardPrice(total); $('.pGrandTotal').text(total); $('.pGrandTotal').attr('data-total', total); tax2(total); } function shippingFreePriceLimit(total) { shippingLimit = $(".shippingLimit").val(); if (total > shippingLimit) { //free $(".shippingPrice").val(0); $(".shippingPriceText").text(0); } else { var shippingPrice = parseFloat($(".shippingPrice").val()); $(".shippingPrice").val(shippingPrice); $(".shippingPriceText").text(shippingPrice); } } function removeGiftCardPrice(total) { var giftCardPrice = parseFloat($(".giftCard_payPrice_input").val()); if (giftCardPrice > 0) { total = eval(total - giftCardPrice); } return total; } function updateGiftCardPrice_onCart(totalCartPrice) { // giftcardPrice_span_cartPrice giftcardPrice_span_giftPrice var giftCardPrice = $('.giftCard_giftPrice_input').val(); var giftPayPrice = $('.giftCard_payPrice_input').val(); var orderPrice = parseFloat(totalCartPrice); //grand total if (orderPrice > giftCardPrice) { orderPrice = giftCardPrice; } $('.giftCard_payPrice_input').val(orderPrice); $('.giftcardPrice_span_payPrice').html(orderPrice); } function addShippingPrice(total) { var shippingPrice = parseFloat($(".shippingPrice").val()); if (shippingPrice > 0) { total = eval(total + shippingPrice); } return total; } function getShippingHightClass() { //this will get high shipping class price.. and change shipping hidden price to new high value shippingType = $(".shippingType").val(); if (shippingType != 'class') { return false; } var shippingBigPrice = 0; $(".shippingClass").each(function() { price = $(this).val(); if (shippingBigPrice < price) { shippingBigPrice = price; } }); $(".shippingPrice").val(shippingBigPrice); $(".shippingPriceText").text(shippingBigPrice) return shippingBigPrice; } function cartProductQtyUpdate(cartId, qty) { $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pQty').text(qty); ActualPrice = $('#tr_' + cartId).attr('data-price'); total = eval(ActualPrice * qty); total = Math.round(total * 100) / 100; $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pTotalPrice').text(total); totalPrice(); pWeight(cartId, qty); } function cartContinue() { $('.paymentOptionDiv').slideDown(500); } function pWeight(cartId, qty) { ActualWeight = $('#tr_' + cartId).attr('data-weight'); total = eval(ActualWeight * qty); total = Math.round(total * 100) / 100; $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.product_weight').val(total); $('#tr_' + cartId).find('.pWeight').text(total); totalWeight(); } function totalWeight() { total = 0; $('.product_weight').each(function(k, v) { weight = parseFloat($(this).val()); total = eval(total + weight); }); total = Math.round(total * 100) / 100; $('.pTotalWeight').text(total); $('.totalWeightInput').val(total); } function shippingPriceWidget() { $('.cartSubmit1').attr('disabled', 'true'); $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); deliverCountry = $('#shippingWidget').val(); storeCountry = $('#storeCountryShippingWidget').val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "myAdmin/order/order_ajax.php?page=shippingPrice", data: { storeCountry: storeCountry, deliverCountry: deliverCountry }, success: function(response) { shippingData = ($.parseJSON(response)); // receiveing json if (shippingData.find == '1') { shp_int = shippingData.shp_int; shp_weight = shippingData.shp_weight; shp_price = shippingData.shp_price; if (shp_int == '0') { jAlertifyAlert('Its Look Like Shipping Stop In Receiver Country ' + shp_int, 'Shipping Error'); return false; } if ($.isNumeric(shp_price)) { var orderPrice = parseFloat($('.pGrandTotal ').attr('data-total')); var weight = parseFloat($('.totalWeightInput').val()); var unitWeight = Math.ceil(weight / shp_weight); var shippingPrice = parseFloat(shp_price); shippingPrice = eval(shippingPrice * unitWeight); var total = eval(orderPrice + shippingPrice); $('.pGrandTotal ').text(total).addClass('btn-danger'); var priceCode = $('#priceCodeShippingWidget').val(); $('.pShippingPriceTemp').text(shippingPrice + " " + priceCode); $('.cartSubmit1').removeAttr('disabled'); } } else { jAlertifyAlert('Its Look Like Shipping Is Not Available In Receiver Country', 'Shipping Error'); } $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); } }); intshp = isInternationalShippingWidget(); if (intshp == false) { $('.cartSubmit1').attr('disabled', 'true'); } } function isInternationalShippingWidget() { chk = true; receiverCountry = $("#shippingWidget").val(); storeCounntry = $("#storeCountryShippingWidget").val(); $('.interShipping').each(function(i, data) { $(this).closest('tr').find('td').removeClass('btn-danger cartProductHighLight'); if (receiverCountry == storeCounntry) { return true; } else if ($(this).val() == '0') { tr = $(this).closest('tr').find('td').addClass('btn-danger cartProductHighLight'); chk = false; } }); if (!chk) { notification("Shipping Error", "Highlight Product Are not ship in receiver country.", "btn-danger"); return false; } return chk; } function removeFromSearch(param, value) { makeAdvanceSearchForm(param, value); //param is parameter name and value its value to remove from search } function makeAdvanceSearchForm(param, value) { var isFind = false; if (param == undefined || param == '' || param == null) { param = ''; } if (value == undefined || value == '' || value == null) { value = ''; } var p = "?"; //get search query Info var search = getParam('s'); if (search == "" || search === undefined) { search = ''; } else { if (param != 's') { search = p + "s=" + search; p = "&"; } } //get category Info var catT = getParam('cat'); var catId = ''; pcatId = $('.activeCategory').val(); if (pcatId != '' && catT == "") { catT = pcatId; } if (catT == "" || catT === undefined) { catId = ''; } else { if (param != 'cat') { catId = p + "cat=" + catT; p = "&"; } } //get price info var minPrice = $('#priceMin').val(); var minPriceData = $('#priceMin').attr('data-min'); var maxPrice = $('#priceMax').val(); var maxPriceData = $('#priceMax').attr('data-max'); var price = ""; if (minPrice != minPriceData || maxPrice != maxPriceData) { if (param != 'price') { price = p + "pMin=" + minPrice + "&pMax=" + maxPrice; p = "&"; } } //get Color Data var color = ""; $('.colorCheckBoxes input:checked').each(function() { if (param == 'color' && value == $(this).val()) {} else { color = $(this).val() + "," + color; } }); if (color != "") { color = p + "color=" + color; p = "&"; } //get size var size = ""; $('.sizeCheckBoxes input:checked').each(function() { if (param == 'size' && value == $(this).val()) {} else { size = $(this).val() + "," + size; } }); if (size != "") { size = p + "size=" + size; p = "&"; } var link = search + catId + price + color + size; location.replace("https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/search" + link); } //Scroll product load moreProduct = true; load = false; $(document).scroll(function() { if ($('.iHaveProducts').height() - $(window).height() < $(window).scrollTop() && moreProduct == true && load == false) { load = true; limitFrom = parseInt($('#queryLimit').val()); if (limitFrom == '' || isNaN(limitFrom)) { return false; } limit = parseInt($('#queryLimit').attr('data-id')); limitTo = eval(limitFrom + limit); temp = '
    ' + loading_progress() + '
    '; view = $('#viewType').val(); $('.iHaveProducts').append(temp); q_tempTable = $("#q_tempTable").val(); console.log('limitFrom : ' + limitFrom + ' | limitTO : ' + limitTo + ' | qTemp : ' + q_tempTable); if ($("#productPage").val() == 'deal') { url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=more_product&productDeals"; } else { url = "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=more_product"; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { id: q_tempTable, limitFrom: limitFrom, limitTo: limitTo, limit: limit, view: view } }).done(function(data) { load = false; $(".loadingDivTemp").remove(); if (data == '0' || data == '' || parseInt(data) == 0) { moreProduct = false; } else { $('#queryLimit').val(limitTo); $('.iHaveProducts').append(data); $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc"); } }); } }); function dealProductAddToCart(ths, dealId, multiPro = 0) { // check All select? var allOk = true; pArry = ''; var hasCustomQty = $('.addByQty_hidden_' + dealId).val(); var customQty = ''; if (hasCustomQty == '1') { customQty = $('.addByQty_' + dealId).val(); var qtyMax = parseFloat($('.addByQty_' + dealId).attr("max")); if (customQty > qtyMax) { jAlertifyAlert("Product exced Stock qty, max value is : " + qtyMax + "

    "); return false; } if (customQty >= '1' || customQty >= 1) { //ok } else { jAlertifyAlert("Ange antal

    "); $('.addByQty_' + pId).focus(); return false; } } if (multiPro == 0) { $('.dealsProducts').each(function(e, data) { pId = $(this).val(); pName = $('.pName_' + pId).val(); hasColor = $('#hasColor_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $('#hasScale_' + pId).val(); size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId + ":checked"); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId + ':checked'); scaleId = size.attr('data-id'); if (hasScale == '0') { scaleId = '0'; } colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0') { colorId = '0'; } storeId = $('#store_' + pId).val(); if (scaleId == undefined || isNaN(scaleId) || colorId == undefined || isNaN(colorId)) { allOk = false; return false; } else { pArry += '{"pId":' + pId + ',"scaleId":' + scaleId + ',"colorId":' + colorId + ',"storeId":' + storeId + '},'; } }); } else { $('.dealsProductsMulti').each(function(e, data) { pId__ = $(this).val(); pId = $(this).attr('data_id'); active = $('#active_' + pId).val(); console.log(pId__, " - ", pId, " - ", active); if (active == 1 || pId__ > 10) { console.log("if") } else { console.log("else") allOk = false; return false; } pName = $('.pName_' + pId).val(); hasColor = $('#hasColor_pro_' + pId).val(); hasScale = $(`#hasScale_pro_${pId}_${pId__}`).val(); size = $('.sizeSelect_' + pId__ + ":checked"); color = $('.colorSelect_' + pId__ + ':checked'); console.log(size) scaleId = size.attr('data-id'); if (hasScale == '0') { scaleId = '0'; } colorId = color.attr('data-id'); if (hasColor == '0' || colorId == undefined) { colorId = '0'; } storeId = $('#store_pro_' + pId).val(); console.log('scaleId', scaleId) if (scaleId == undefined || isNaN(scaleId)) { allOk = false; return false; } else { pArry += '{"pId":' + pId__ + ',"scaleId":' + scaleId + ',"colorId":' + colorId + ',"storeId":' + storeId + '},'; } }) // allOk = false } console.log(pArry); if (allOk == false) { jAlertifyAlert("Välj Storlek eller/och Färg för alla produkter

    "); return false; } else { $("#packInfo").val(pArry); dealId = $("#packDealId").val(); var cart_load_from_side_enabled = 1; if (cart_load_from_side_enabled != 1) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); } else { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $('.overlay').show(); $('#overlay_container').show(); $("#cart_side").animate({ "top": "50%" }, "fast", function() { /* stuff to do after animation is complete */ }); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=AddToCartDeal", data: { deal: pArry, dealId: dealId, customQty: customQty } }).done(function(data) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); if (data == '1' || data == '') { show_modal = (typeof(show_modal) == 'undefined' ? false : true); if (cart_load_from_side_enabled == 1) { cart_load_from_side(); if (show_modal) { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); }; } else { $("#cartLoading").slideUp(500); } updateCartNoOnWeb(); cartSmallProduct(); } else { jAlertifyAlert(data); } }); } } function buy_get_free() { $(".buy_2_get_1_free").each(function() { buy_qty = parseInt($(this).val()); 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if (isCheckout) { cart_load_from_side_submit() } else { $('#cart_items_container').html(parsed_data.products); $('#coupon_text').html(parsed_data.coupon_text); $('#coupon_remove_text').html(''); $('#coupon_input').val(''); $('#cart_side_grandtotal').val(total_text_for_input() + parsed_data.price_simple + " " + parsed_data.symbol); } }); } function something_extra_products(invoiceId) { $.get('https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/ajax_call.php?page=something_extra_products', { invoiceId: invoiceId, }, function(data) { /*optional stuff to do after success */ var parsed_data = JSON.parse(data); $('#something_extra_products').html(parsed_data.somethingExtraProduct); $('.owl_carousel_checkout').owlCarousel({ items: 2, loop: true, margin: 15, dots: true, nav: true, navText: ["", ""], responsive: { 300: { items: 1, }, 500: { items: 1 }, 750: { items: 2 }, 1180: { items: 2 } } }) }); } function cart_side_load_order_file(invoiceId) { $("#cartLoading").slideDown(500); $.get('https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/ajax_call.php?page=cart_side_load_order_file', { invoiceId: invoiceId, }, function(data) { /*optional stuff to do after success */ something_extra_products(invoiceId); 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cart_load_from_side_gift_remove(); $("#gft_id").show(); }); $('#coupon_remove_text').on('click', '#coupon_remove', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); console.log('Clicked on coupon remove button'); cart_load_from_side_coupon_remove(); }); $('#cart_side_form').on('click', '#cart_side_grandtotal', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); console.log('Clicked on cart submit button'); cart_load_from_side_submit(); }); function selectProduct1(proId) { console.log(proId) let tabId = $(`.pro_${proId}__tab`).val(); let image = $(`.pro_${proId}__${tabId}__image`).val(); if (tabId !== undefined && image !== undefined) { // set image let id = `dealTab_${tabId}` let imgTag = `` $(`#${id}`).html(imgTag) let dealsProducts_pro = `dealsProducts_pro_${tabId}` let currency_pro_ = `currency_pro_${tabId}` let checkout_pro = `checkout_pro_${tabId}` let active_ = `active_${tabId}` let pName_ = `pName_${tabId}` $(`#${dealsProducts_pro}`).val(proId); $(`#${checkout_pro}`).val(proId); $(`#${active_}`).val(1); 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    "); } else { let id = `dealTab_${tabId}` let imgTag = `` $(`#${id}`).html(imgTag) let dealsProducts_pro = `dealsProducts_pro_${tabId}` let currency_pro_ = `currency_pro_${tabId}` let checkout_pro = `checkout_pro_${tabId}` let active_ = `active_${tabId}` let pName_ = `pName_${tabId}` $(`#${dealsProducts_pro}`).val(proId); $(`#${checkout_pro}`).val(proId); $(`#${pName_}`).val(pName); $(`#${active_}`).val(1); } } $('.close_pupup23').click(function() { $(".newcart_popup").removeClass('newcart_popup_'); cart_load_from_side(); }); $("#expressMode").change(function() { var currentUrl = window.location.href; var currentTitle = document.title; var isChecked = this.checked; $(this).closest('.switch').toggleClass('on', isChecked); var status = isChecked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'; $.ajax({ url: "https://sharkspfi.sharkspeed.com/_models/functions/products_ajax_functions.php?page=setExpressMode", type: "POST", data: { value: status }, success: function(res) { if (res == "checked") { loadPage(currentUrl, currentTitle); } else if (res == "unchecked") { loadPage(currentUrl, currentTitle); } }, error: function(xhr, status, errorThrown) { console.error(xhr.responseText); } }); });